Thursday, May 22, 2008

Memphis Children's Theatre Festival

In my continuing effort to get more photography experience, I volunteered to shoot the 3rd Annual Memphis Children's Theatre Festival sponsored by Voices of the South this weekend (May 23-25th) on Rhodes College campus. I'm excited to go out into "the field", experiment with different lighting, etc., and see all the cute kids' plays. I have a feeling I will rarely stop shooting.

All of the plays this year are about "the power of story" (Voices of the South's focus is on narrative theatre) and will showcase tales from Aesop, Grimm, Peter and the Wolf, Mulan, and the list goes on...There is also going to be a Story Tent that features live storytelling from local authors and performers, like Chatterbox Audio Theatre. (Visit Voices of the South's webpage to see the full schedule of events and learn more about the organization

It's a great chance to interact with the Memphis community, get lots of pictures (hopefully even a few good ones), and volunteer for a great Memphis organization. All in all, it's a nice way to spend a sunny Saturday afternoon.

Event pictures to follow next week.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Practicality be Damned. Chapter One.

Ever searching and analyzing, I use my camera as a tool of investigation and documentation. One can encapsulate moments otherwise forgotten, to either reminisce or to experience and event in an entirely different light (no pun intended).  
It is simultaneously a way to control and to submit to the surrounding environment.

So, eyes open (at least the right one), I invite the world to show me theirs, and I will show them mine.


